Expert Council of the Eurasian creative Guild (London) for Fiction we invite You to take part in the annual edition of the literary collection “Thread”! The collection is published in London by Hertfordshire Press (UK)
The publication brings together works by authors of different styles and types — representatives of different generations and peoples who were once United by one common cultural space – the countries of the former Soviet Union. Since 2018, the collections have published works by more than fifty authors from eleven countries. The presentation of the collection was previously held in London, Stockholm, Thailand and Brussels as part of the OEBF festival, which demonstrated the interest of authors and readers in this project.
The collection brings together both winners of prestigious national and international literary awards, whose works are published and heard in many countries, translated into many languages, and very young aspiring authors who are making their first steps into big literature.
Traditionally, all submitted works were selected by a leading project specialist, but this year everything has changed for the better! Since 2020, this project is supervised by experts in the field of prose — the ECG “Prose” Expert Council.
We encourage all our Experts of the prose to participate! After all, only members of the “Prose” Expert Council receive a 50% discount on publication in the collection!!!
How will this work?
Members of The expert Council submit their works → the Executive Committee of the Expert Council reviews (evaluates) the works → selects the best 3 works on a competitive basis, makes a rating of the best works → determines 3 prizes → publication.
To participate in the competitive selection, you must send your works to the Guild administrator at Only works of fiction in the form of prose and only in Russian are accepted.
Condition of competition:
- the volume of work must not exceed 100 lines (500 words)*. You must also provide a photo and brief information about the author (no more than 100 words). Each author will be allocated from 1 to 4 pages* in the collection, depending on the material presented and the editor’s decision. It is allowed to place black-and-white illustrations (photos) submitted on the author’s initiative within the total volume of the author’s material in the collection;
- each author whose works will be published in the collection will receive 1 copy of the publication by mail;
- you must pay the technical and administrative payment in the amount of 95 pounds;
- you must be a current member of the Guild **.
The theme of the collection’s works is traditional — common themes inherent in the creativity of the Eurasian peoples: love for their native land and nature, respect for the memory of their ancestors, philosophy of perception of the surrounding reality, military themes.
The collection will be presented at all major events of the Eurasian creative Guild in 2020.
* additional text/pages can be placed for an additional fee of 15 pounds per page, and the total publication volume of one author should not exceed 20 pages ( 7000 words) .
** only the Individual/Preferential category is eligible to participate in this competition.