Kenes Duisen

Country: Kazakhstan

Field of activity: Writer

born and raised in Darbaza village of the Saryagash district, South Kazakhstan region. Children’s writer. He graduated from the faculty of journalism of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi. Fourteen years as the editor of Department in the Republican children’s edition of the newspaper «Ulan». He, as a journalist, wrote about the life and problems of children. From 2004 to 2013. worked as a Deputy editor at the Republican children’s magazine «Moldir Bulak». In 1993 the publishing house «Kasiet» released its first book, a collection of fairy tales called «Ereg Turala erteg» («the Tale of the tale»). Publishing house «Aruna» has published a collection of short stories «kөzhe Nowruz» («Dish Nauryz») (2007), «Ay Attar Aidan Chan?» («As months have gained the name») (2002), «MSEL Zhas» («the Cycle age») (2002), as well as a collection of folk tales «Gemn Ertegun» (old wives ‘ tales) (2005), «Onegeli erteg» («Tale-moral») (2007), «Arte, Arte, artedi…» («a long time Ago…)» (2008.) «Artem netcen… Martina jeden» (2008.) «Erlik Ertegun» (2008.) «Oganiser chicanery» (2008). After the light went out of the book «Anatta Soz – Kazyna» (1 book, 2010), historical-cognitive adventure «Tran bahadli the Nemes EP, Bi, Nerdy Erlik array» («Heroes of Turan and Hiking Era, Bi and Nara») (2010), collection sketches and pieces «IOL – El Aaly» («IOL-the eternal tree») (2011), «Kanatty POPs – Kazyna» (2-book, 2013). etc. His stories have entered the collective collection «Arty acardi ory Altyn» («Gold Fund of half a century») (2007), «My fantastic world erterm» («My fairy tale») (2015), the sketches included in the collection «TTT Alma» (4 -, 2017) and the adventure «Dlinnonogih Badi» was included in the first volume of the book «Independent Kazakhstan: anthology of modern literature» (Moscow, «fiction», 2013). The book is «Zhyl basy Ali animalogy» was released in South Korea in the Korean language (2016). K. Orazbekov took third place in the national competitions organized by the Fund «Bobek» (2006). and akimat of Almaty (2005). His script «AAU chicanery Batyr» («the adventures of Ankou Batyr») won second place in the Republican competition organized by the Ministry of culture and information of Kazakhstan, JSC «Kazakhfilm» named after S. Aimanov and the Union of Cinematographers of Kazakhstan (April, 2009). Historical-cognitive adventure «Tran bahadli the Nemes EP, Bi, Nerdy Erlik array» («Heroes of Turan and Hiking Era, Bi and Nara») (2009). the tale-series «May Granny me Knda Kyz» («May the Grandmother and the girl Kunda») (2013). won the traditional competition «Daraboz», which was organized by the Corporation «ZHERSU» and the Union of writers of Kazakhstan. The competition organized in 2012 by the TV channel «Balapan» historical-educational, fantasy-adventure story «Tran bahadli the Nemes EP, Bi, Nerdy Erlik array» («Heroes of Turan and Hiking Era, Bi and Nara») was the best, and it was filmed 10 cartoon serial «the Exploits of three friends».