On December 3, the regular meeting of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) was held in the literary club “451 Degrees” in Almaty, which brought together more than 40 creative personalities of this beautiful city in one place!
At the meeting, ECG Vice-Chairman, Marat Akhmedzhanov, spoke about the results of the 8th OEBF Literary Festival held in Brussels, congratulated all participants and personally handed certificates to the finalists of our competition, and the OEBF participants shared their suggestions and impressions!
Also, the winner of the OEBF contest in the “Small Prose” category, Torgyn Zholdasbekkyzy, told everyone her story called “Choice”, which touched to the core.
The guild replenished its ranks of the creative personalities of the city of Almaty together with Denis Kuznetsov and Zhumakhanov Askhat, who showed his unusual paintings at the meeting.
The highlight of our evening was the presentation of the book by Evgenia Sikhimbayeva “Keanu Reeves. Unfinished portrait. Part 1″. During the presentation, Evgenia spoke with great enthusiasm about the idea of her book and interested many guests in this, and generously arranged a tea party with sweets for everyone!
Skurtul Alexander spoke about his project “Blog marathon”, and our guest Victoria modestly told about herself and showed her paintings.
The evening ended with pleasant talks and our tradition – a group photo!