OCA PEOPLE – The brightest representatives of the creative intelligentsia of Eurasia on the pages of the British magazine

Welcome to this edition of OCA magazine. OCA is one of the world’s few truly international magazines, focusing on a host of people and events from countries across Eurasia. And thank goodness for it! International communication always mattered but right now it seems absolutely vital at a time when the pandemic means so many of us are locked down in our homes, or at least our home countries. But being locked down need not, and must not, mean we close our eyes and ears to the rest of the world. Indeed, with the world beset by so many crises – not just the pandemic, but the climate and ecological crisis, political divisions and economic hardship – it is more important than ever to stay in touch and share ideas and friendship, and build bridges of understanding. That way, maybe, we can begin to move forward together.

We may not be able to meet new people in person right now, of course, but this issue introduces you to 15 leading artists, 17 writers, 3 performing artists and 5 public figures from many different countries with an in-depth interview. As current chairman of the Eurasian Creative Guild (ECG), which is doing amazing work bringing creatives from across Eurasia together, I have been lucky enough to meet many of these people, and there’s a terrific range of work and ideas on show. Each one of these guest interviewees has something unique to offer. It’s quite a remarkable array. 

OCA Magazine’s special edition, “OCA People”, which solely aims to celebrate, remember and disseminate the names and great achievements of those whose lives have influenced and changed the Eurasian region, and who continue to do so today, We want to showcase the very best of what the region has to offer and hope that this will bring renewed interest to the region, its people and their continued efforts to bring about a better world. Inside this issue, you will find the candid interviews of painters and poets, artists and architects, writers and musicians, among others. In these times of great division, it can be hard to remember that great diversity exists among our populations and is recognised and beneficial for our society.

So please, join OCA’s international community and read on! And if you’re not already a member of ECG, OCA Magazine urges you to join and help us build bonds of creativity and friendship across Eurasia. We hope you enjoy this special issue and congratulate those who have made the cut. No doubt the coming years will bring many more names to that list. And of course, it could be you!

OCA Magazine is a quarterly and independent magazine, published in London since 2009 by Silk Road Media Group with support of Eurasian Creative Guild (London). It is aimed at English speaking audiences and those who are interested in the countries of Central Eurasia. The journal reports on events from and outstanding personalities of the Eurasian region and the successful projects of international cooperation. Itomotes the cultures, politics, events and communities of both regions and encourages a discussion and exchange of ideas between them to develop both business cooperation, tourist activity and cultural relations.                                                                            

Editor-In-Chief: Nick Rowan.  Worldwide readership,print & online over 200 000 people. 

For further information please contact: ​Bozhena Krasnogir

Suite 125,43 BedfordStree, Covent Garden London WC2E 9HA United Kingdom

Tel.:+44 7411978955  Email: bozhena@ocamagazine.com,  ​ ​www.ocamagazine.com

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