Elections of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) Chairman

Dear members of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London)! 
The pandemic prevented us from traditionally coming together in November 2020 to hold the 6th ECG Annual General Meeting (London). But the Guild is doing everything possible to keep the work going, despite the lockdown. So, in December, the executive committee presented the Annual Report on the activities of the Guild in the framework of informal and creative meetings in the UK, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Moldova and Russia.

Now we are pleased to inform you that there will be an online election of the Chairman of the ECG (London) and members of the Guild Advisory Board from 3 to 7 February 2021. 
We ask you to nominate one candidate for the post of Chairman * of the Guild and up to 10 candidates for the post on the Advisory Board* * of the Guild no later than February 7, 2021.

We also invite you to participate in the election of members of the EXCOMs of the Expert Councils. You can nominate up to three people for each EC from the proposed lists. If voting for new and current members of EXCOMs is not quite active, then the results of the 2020 elections will remain in force.

What do you need to do?
1. Please make sure that your membership fee for 2021 is paid, and membership is active (for any questions you can write to ecgadmin@ocamagazine.com or messengers at +7-902-446-38-96, Tatyana, Executive Director of ECG (London));
2. Go to the voting page and make your choice. Votes are accepted until 11:59 AM (London time) on February 7, 2021.

The Eurasian Creative Guild looks forward to your active participation in the election of the Chairman of the Guild and the members of the Advisory Board. Your voice matters! We also ask you to get acquainted with the updated Charter of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and approve (or reject) it on the voting page.
Please confirm receipt of this letter! We want to be sure that no technical problems deprive you of the right to participate in the elections.

* According to the Charter, the Chairman of the ECG (London) is elected for a term of one year at a General Meeting. Any member of the ECG (London) who takes an active part in the activities of the Guild, for which the majority of members of the Guild voted, can become the chairman of the Guild. The Chairman of the Guild is the official representative of ECG (London) and has the right to sign all official documents of the Guild at the time of his tenure. The Chairman of the Guild has the priority right to participate in all events where the Guild is invited, but ECG (London) does not bear the financial costs of organizing the trips of the Chairman of the Guild. The Chairman of the Guild has the right to make proposals for amendments to the charter of the Guild, initiate new projects and amend existing projects of the Guild.

* * According to paragraph 6.7 of the Charter of the Eurasian Creative Guild, members of the Advisory Board are elected from the total number of members of the Guild through nomination by approval at the General Meeting by personal vote or by e-mail for a period of not more than two years. At the same time, the election of more than 2 representatives from one country is not allowed. Any member of the Guild who actively participates in events (at least 2 events per year) and the life of the Guild and is elected by general vote may become a member of the Advisory Board. Members of the Advisory Board, as well as the Chairman of the Guild, have the second priority right to represent the Eurasian Creative Guild at all events where the guild is invited, can initiate changes to existing projects and make proposals for organizing new Guild projects.

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