On 8th February 2021, the 6th Election of the Chairman of the ECG (London) and members of the Advisory board ended. These elections became unusual. If traditionally voting was held in person as part of the final events of the OEBF festival, then, due to the postponement of events due to quarantine, the Elections were held in a remote online voting format.
The elections affected most of the organizational structures of the Guild. For example, the Executive committees of the Guild Expert Councils formed in the summer at the general meeting indicated the need for re-elections, which were held as part of a united vote.
The following executive committees have been approved in full (the posts of Head, Vice-Head and Secretary of the Councils will be allocated by the Executive committees themselves):
Poetry Expert Council:
– Mikhail Ananov (Georgia)
– Anatoly Lobov(Georgia)
– Gumer Karimov (Russia)
Fiction Expert Council:
– Yelena Aslanyan (Armenia)
– Alina Moseikina (Cyprus)
– Aldona Grupas (UK)
Fine Arts Expert Council:
– Marlan Nyssanbaev (Kazakhstan)
– Larisa Pak (Kyrgyzstan)
– Lydia Drozdova (Kazakhstan)
Translation Expert Council:
– Anatoly Lobov (Georgia)
– Alina Moseikina (Cyprus)
– Elena Bosler-Guseva (Kyrgyzstan)
Film Industry Expert Council:
– Michael Daniel Sagatis (UK)
– Shahsanem Murray (UK)
– Oksana Jukova (Crimea)
Journalism and Publicism Expert Council:
– Khalida Akhmedzhanova (Crimea)
– Victoria Levina (Israel)
– Murat Ualee (Kazakhstan)
However, not all of the elected candidates confirmed consent to take office, so a number of councils have vacant seats that will be filled by initiative members of the Guild when approved by the Heads of executive committees.
Business Coaching Expert Council:
– Elena Bezrukova (Kazakhstan)
– Gennady Gorovoy (Russia)
Independent Expert Council:
– Gareth Stamp (UK)
– Jonatan Campion (UK)
A new ECG Advisory Board was also approved. As a deliberative body, the Advisory Board included both already established representatives who continue to represent the interests of creative communities of various countries, as well as new active candidates. The 2021 Advisory Board included:
- Michael Ananov (Georgia)
- Aldona Grupas (UK)
- Victoria Levin (Israel)
- Warren Wills (Australia)
- Elena Bezrukova (Kazakhstan)
- Yelena Aslanyan (Armenia)
- Alina Moseykina (Cyprus)
- Azim Akmatov (Kyrgyzstan)
- Gareth Stamp (Bulgaria)
- Natalie Bays (UK)
- Elena Korneeva (Russia)
- Saria Mammadova (Azerbaijan)
- Albert Taipau (Belarus)
- Marina Podlesnaia (Moldova)
- Shavkat Ismailov (Kazakhstan)
- Oksana Jukova (Crimea)
Of course, the main intrigue of the Election was voting for candidates for the post of Chairman of the Guild. According to the results of voting for the position of Chairman of ECG (London), the current Chairman John Farndon (Great Britain) was approved.
New work plans will be formed and announced after 1st March 2021.
New work plans will be formed and announced after 1st March 2021.